I woke up at the same time I do every morning, six o'clock on the dot, and excitedly threw all my bags in the car to make the hour and a half drive to Nashville. Knowing that it was CMA weekend, I needed to leave early to beat downtown traffic, but I left a whole hour earlier than needed! I stopped at Target in Mt. Juliet for some early morning shopping before hopping back on the road with my WAZE telling me I was still an good 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Downtown was a nightmare. My GPS had me going toward a building that didn't look right, and against my better judgement and driving around for 10 minutes, I parked at the nearest lot, hopped out and asked the man if I had the right place.
"Country Music Hall of Fame?" No, I told him 10 times that it was the Musician's Hall of Fame.
"Oh yes! You are in the right place. Just on the other side of that building." I believed the local, paid my $30 to park. "Oh, It's just a little walk," so I forgot my cooler and threw my books in my target bag and started walking. I went around in a circle twice before I realized there was no museum. I closed out of my WAZE GPS and pulled up Google maps who had me at about 10 blocks away. Begrudgingly, I started to trek uphill, unwilling to pay anymore for parking. Everyone on the street had to have seen the pissed off girl walking in the purple cohorts shirt with her broken target bag. When I passed the Ryman, I had to hide my face from the musician's smoking on the stoop. When I passed the runner, I had to pretend I wasn't so out of shape. Hey, I was walking uphill, he was running down hill! Finally, covered in sweat, tears, and a hankering to give up and go home, I made it to the museum.
The entire event went smoothly, I met some great girls, and found some new books. Here are my highlights, from one of my favorite author events ever.
I loved meeting Jay and Melissa. Jay was so upbeat and fun, she was dressed in this cute green dress, and had a ton of swag at her table. I told her how much I enjoyed "Better when he's bad" and I even photobombed my friends picture here.
I gathered so much swag to be giving away over the next few months. I have signed bookmarks and shotglasses. Everything! That Perfect Game Doodle by Christina, I won. I am keeping that! I didn't get my picture with some of the author's because the lines were so crazy, and I ran out of time.
Colleen Hoover was by far the most popular author. She was so sweet and nice, he son wandered around on his phone in the back. He was much taller in person that I had expected him to be, and Murphy ran her table. She was so upbeat and friendly. Colleen Hoover was nice enough to give me a copy of Maybe Someday to give away to ya'll as well.
Rebecca Donovan can waltzing in like a princess with her dress all flowing behind her. So beautiful!
I picked up K.A Tucker's second book. I loved her stuff and she was super sweet. I don't know how she survived with her hair down. It was so hot!
Cora Carmack was so peppy! She was such a chatter and looked so happy to be there.
Tina! She was soooo funny. I asked her if anyone had tried to smell her pits lately (because of her Jamie McGuire post) lol we had a laugh.
Griffin Peterson and band were so friendly. They even knew the town I was from. I have to admit, I didn't listen to his music before hand, but after hearing them play live, I fell in love with the music. The guy behind me is so tall!
Heidi Mclaughlin was an author I hadn't read yet, but after all the other girls gushed about how good her books were, I am gonna try her out! She was so nice and even had her cover models there.
J Sterling was so nice. When I asked her to sign my doodle I had won, she even gave me a free copy of one of her books. She was all "Do you have a copy of this book?" When I told her I had only ecopies of her book, she signed it and gave it to me. I love her even more now.
In the end, I met some great bloggers and other book lovers. I have a limited amount of friends who love the same books I do, and I can't wait to connect with some of these great girls! I'm down there next to Jay, who was pretending to twerk. (Ha ha) Did I mention I couldn't walk yesterday from all the running around I did Saturday? In all Emily did a great job putting the event together. She was so easy to work with and so laid back and funny. I wouldn't mind volunteering for another event she did!
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